sheMD Journal Club
sheMD Journal Club
Will You Be My Mentor?
Four Archetypes to Help Mentees Succeed in Academic Medicine?
Want to learn more about mentorship, coaching, and sponsorship? We recommend this fantastic article by Vineet Chopra, MD, Vineet M. Arora, MD,and Sanjay Saint, MD entitled "Will you be my mentor?- Four Archetypes to Help Mentees Succeed in Academic Medicine?"
The authors discuss the 4 types of supporters you can (and should have) to help advance your career!
1. The Traditional Mentor- the "Professional Parent"
This relationship is a formal, dynamic and reciprocal relationship in a work environment aimed at promoting the career growth of both.
2. The Coach- the "Performance Improver"
This relationship is focused on performance improvement. Coaches spend less time with mentees and provide feedback to a larger number of individuals.
3. The Sponsor- the "Program/Project/Person Promoter"
This relationship is based in power- where the sponsor use their influence in a field to make sponsee more visible.
4. The Connector- the "Pair Producer"
This relationship is based on connecting individuals with similar goals. Connectors use their social and political power to connect, and are less invested in individual mentees success.
We absolutely love this article and recommend everyone looking to grow themselves professionally check it out!